After our own personal ordeal of planes, vans and trains. We are happy to be home and we are are now dealing with some jet lag. The house has been taken over by piles of laundry and toddler toys. Kelcy seems to like her new room and even asked to go to bed tonight and feel asleep on her own in her toddler bed. She has been sleeping for about an hour in her bed the past couple of nights and then comes and finds our bed so we will see how she does tonight. We were glad to get home and be greeted by my sister Joy and her husband Todd and our nephew Tyler and our good friends Greg and Elise and we were so surprised to see banners and balloons at our house welcoming us home from our great neighbors and Greg and Elise :-), I will write more soon but I wanted to add some pictures. Conner starts school tomorrow so I will have an early morning but I do want to share some reflections of China and will do that on my next post. All in all it was an awesome experience and adventure and we are so happy to have Kelcy home!
So glad to hear that you are back home! It's great that Kelcy loves pork because here in NC, pork is king! Maybe she'll even love our good 'ole pulled pork sandwiches! Good luck to you as you settle in to your new life filled with many adventures!